21 Shevat 5785 — כא שבט התשפה

Physical Education

Mission Statement

The mission of the Harkham Hillel Physical Education and Athletics department is two-fold. Primarily, it is to successfully guide the development of each student while teaching lessons in the departmental core values of accountability, being coachable, fitness, wellness and teamwork. Additionally, our mission is to teach leadership and life skills through athletics, allowing students to grow and reach higher levels of confidence that will lead to better character.

Our Goal

Our goal is to provide the best possible environment for students to learn and experience what physical activity can mean to them and their lives. We encourage students to contribute to our campus through athletic and academic achievement, to promote institutional pride, enhance campus life, connect with alumni, families and the community at-large through athletics at Hillel.

Vision Statement

The Hillel Physical Education and Athletics department strives to be the gold standard for physical education and athletics in the community. The department aims to be renowned for academic and athletic excellence by achieving outstanding scholastic and athletic honors.

Physical education and athletics at Hillel enhance the mission of Hillel and the community by demonstrating unrivaled pride and by fostering relationships with all constituents. The department is committed to the utmost integrity through compliance, fiscal responsibility and student-athlete personal development.

Meet Our Coaches

Coach DeMar George was born and raised in Southern Missouri. After graduating from Missouri Valley College with a Bachelor’s Degree in Communications, he moved to Los Angeles where he found his passion for sports and health fitness. He became a certified Personal Trainer and Group X instructor and worked at 24 Hour Fitness and Equinox. He then transitioned to Coast Fitness Gym where he became the Youth Program Director. After discovering the joy of working with children, he joined Playworks as a Program Coordinator and served for one year. He then worked as a Site Coordinator and Certified Trainer for three years. While at Playworks, he ensured that the students received safe and healthy play, while consulting, empowering, team building and giving professional development to teachers, staff, and the communities he served. Coach DeMar is a huge sports fanatic who loves playing basketball, MMA, golf, riding BMX and spending time with family and friends. He can be reached at dgeorge@hillelhebrew.org.

Interscholastic Sports Athletics Programs

Hillel Hawks

The Hillel Athletic Program serves boys and girls in an ever growing 6- elementary school league. The program offers a combination of intramural and interscholastic play between schools in the sports of basketball and volleyball for 5th-8th grade students.


  • Playing Time: Ten players are on each team. Playing time must be earned through performing well in practice. Not attending practice will limit playing time.
  • Games will be very competitive and  we will be competing fiercely against other schools who are looking to do the same.
  • All Varsity Boys/Girls games will be played at Yavneh.
  • All Junior Varsity Boys games will be played at Hillel.
  • There are a total of six support positions (two per team)
  • Managing expectations for each player is important for the growth of not only that player but for the entire program. Players will be at different experience and skill levels, and should be able to grow from where they are without unrealistic expectations that will lead to undue pressure and stress.
  • 24-HOUR RULE: Please wait 24 hours after a game before attempting to communicate with a coach about a major concern.
  • We want your students' sports experience to re-affirm the high ideals of good character and leadership that you would want for them.
  • We want to have as much parent involvement as possible. The Athletic Department  is looking for more parents to become apart of our committees and liaisons that can help with transportation and water/gatorade.

Physical Education Program

The Physical Education program incorporates the learning of athletic skills guided by the California State standards with the social emotional awareness and Character Counts focus to develop one's own self ( ie grit and resilience) and the interpersonal skills necessary to develop collaboration and teamwork.

With an emphasis on health and wellness, the coaches include teachings on living a healthy lifestyle through physical activity and healthy habits.

Structure of a PE Class:

Each class begins with a warm up, followed by a core activity and closes with a recap of the day’s goals, progress and a look ahead. Each class is led by two coaches working in a co-teacher model.

How frequently is there PE?

  • Pre-Nursey: 1x a week
  • Nursery: 1x a week
  • Kindergarten-1x a week
  • Pre-1: 2x a week
  • 1-5 grades: 3x a week
  • 6-8 grades: 4x a week